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5 Ways That Society Keeps You Low-Vibrational And In The Third Dimension
We live in a lifetime with the highest level of automation, disconnection, and relentlessness that has ever existed. We’ve all come to believe that it’s normal to hustle until we experience burnout, to come home to a drink or smoke every night, to live in apartments, and believe that’s the norm.
Add in a bunch of social and cultural norms that force us to be just like each other for fear of being ostracised for stepping out of the norms, and we’ve got a recipe for staying in a very three-dimensional life.
We must remember that we have lived past lives where we walked amongst gods and demigods, deities, masters, and a spiritual society. We have lived in lives where connectedness was the most potent way to not only survive but to thrive and enjoy life.
In this article, I will talk about some ways that society has successfully brainwashed us and is very much keeping us in 3D.
1. Relying on major grocery stores for food
If everyone understood the ways that mass amounts of produce and livestock are produced before they hit the grocery stores, we would all be a little bit more apprehensive. However, with beautiful packaging and marketing, it’s easy to hide the truth behind our food.