April ‘24: The Energetic Shift Has Been Strong Lately

Hi everyone,
Just a quick short entry today to share with you what I’ve observed this month in terms of physical and energetic shifts. Perhaps hearing of these will reassure you that you are not alone in experiencing a major shift in the air that you can’t quite put your finger on.
I believe that ‘the shift’ or ‘split’ into the New Earth has started, or is starting, or is being experienced uniquely for each individual.
Here are some anecdotal observations I’ve witnessed:
- Those prone to mental illness have been shaken up, particularly those with psychosis disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Because these disorders are spiritually associated just as much as physically, those who have these illnesses in the 3D Earth seem to be struggling with staying in touch with reality. If you are one of these people, extra efforts towards maintaining stability and staying grounded will be needed. While I was in the hospital emergency department, I witnessed multiple people having psychotic episodes concurrently – a physical manifestation of being unable to stay grounded in 3D reality during energetic shifts.
- Lucid dreaming has been more potent. Those who I know lucid dream often have reported almost daily lucid dreaming, which is not normally experienced.
- Lots of downloads and increases in divine connection/communication is being experienced. I’ve personally had a much stronger intuition with increases in being able to see auras and feel others’ energy fields. I’ve also had stronger and more frequent Clair/psychic abilities.
- Synchronicities have been through the roof, including Angel numbers, freaky coincidences, amazing opportunities and doors opening up etc.
- Instant manifestation – this one has been the most potent for me personally: this energy, for whatever reason, has been opening up doors for instant manifestation. I’ve been experiencing this for close to a month now, where I’ve been manifesting things left, right and centre. However, it has very much been a “be careful what you wish for” kind-of-situation, whereby everything I’ve asked for recently has been presented simultaneously. Some manifestations have been straightforward, while others have been presented as challenges or problems for me to solve in order to obtain what I asked for. Just keep in mind that the universe will respond to your wishes and intentions, but not always in the most direct and easy way. Be very intentional with what you ask for. For example, if you ask for perspective around a specific situation, you might receive a challenge that ‘forces’ you to face your fears in order to obtain that perspective that you asked for. Your higher self knows what’s best for you, but the path to achieving what’s best for you is not always easy or straightforward.
- There has been a clear split, from what I’ve gathered, whereby the difference between the light and dark have become more clear. Duality will always exist, but now that has become even clearer. I do not know exactly what this means for us, but I do believe that a shift has begun where those on the side of the light will need to pave new paths and begin creating the New Earth. The universe is very much supporting us.
- Children have been sensing this energy very much – as children generally have open crown chakras, they are able to sense energetic shifts more than the average adult. I’ve witnessed children tapping into stronger intuition, telepathy, and even psychic visions. They’ve also been more emotionally sensitive, from what I can gauge.
- More and more media platforms have been engaging with esoteric and spiritual aspects. For example, Netflix has been releasing very spiritual content, or as least content that has spiritual messages interweaved within.
Have you been experiencing anything different energetically? Feel free to leave a comment to share. We’re all in this together.
Thank you for reading.