Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The topic of the New Earth is a very convoluted, elusive, and uncertain one. The download I received discussed in this article is the download I received.
Everyone should only take with them what resonates and leave behind what doesn't. When I receive downloads, I share them if I feel the urge to, but it doesn't necessarily mean I understand everything I saw. Not to mention that the English language is severely limited to be able to accurately translate the information I received.
Never have I ever been able to perfectly explain in English the data I have been given from higher realms. If I have failed to do so in this article, then I do apologise for offending you. I am just the messenger sharing what I interpreted. Interpretations = subjective. Not objective.
When I first began writing on Medium, I very much got told that it was the gateway for me to share whatever information I am being given, such that we could all collate data together as a community and leave behind what doesn't resonate. However, the more followers and views I accrue, the more my words seem to be regarded far more heavily and each word dissected.
I must emphasise that I am only conveying what I have been shown, and I couldn't agree more with you with parts of what you said.
It's tricky, not everything I share will be taken well whereas for someone else out there in the world, this may be the exact information they also received and perhaps they feel less alone reading this article.
Either way, I share what I am asked to share, despite knowing that the information may be perceived through misunderstandings and altered perceptions. That is a risk anyone must be willing to take when they choose to share their thoughts, but I do apologise if this article offended you so deeply.
If you would like to discuss more, you could email me on and would be more than happy to discuss anything. Sending you lots of love <3